School Dinners

School Dinners

Click on the button below to view or download the menu for this term.

School Dinner Menu

Online ordering and payment

School dinners must be booked via your Parentmail Account. 

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 or is eligible for Free School Meals you MUST still book online .

The School Dinner Register can be located under the ' Accounts Tab ', please make your selection and proceed to the ' Payment Tab '  and click Pay Now.

For children in Year 3 and above, dinners are £2.90 per day or £14.50 per week.

The menu operates on a 3 week cycle but  may be changed to accommodate special days. This will be notified in advance.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically qualify for free meals under the government's universal meals scheme.  Some families may qualify for Free School meals if they are in receipt of certain benefits or are on a low income. If you would like more information , please contact the school office.

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