School Uniform

School Uniform

School uniform should be worn every day unless it is a day that children are required to come in wearing PE  kit, Forest School clothes, there is a non-uniform day or the children have been requested to wear specific clothes because of a trip, event or activity that requires it.  

Earth Uniform

We are delighted to announce that Longworth Primary School have now joined with Earth Uniform as our new uniform provider for items with the school logo. Every order made on their website results in a Tree being planted!

Please use the link below or scan the QR code to order

Longworth Primary School Uniform Shop - Earth Uniform

Winter/Summer Uniform

  • Grey or black skirt, trousers, shorts or pinafore
  • White or red shirt/polo shirt (plain or logo)
  • Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (plain or logo)
  • Sensible black school shoes

In the summer, children often wear grey/black shorts or red and white checked dresses.

PE Kit

  • Black Shorts,
  • White T-shirt (plain or logo),
  • Black or navy tracksuit bottoms and warm top
  • Trainers
  •  PE bag

Additional Items

  • A school book bag
  • A pair of wellington boots
  • A water bottle

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